The Current Process

Self Awareness, New Perspectives, Forward Behaviors

My coaching services and interventions address a range of areas and are customized to meet your needs and goals.  Personal development work may unfold differently than executive coaching and a workplace consultation helping on hiring decisions of course has its own structure, but I always start where you are  now.  

I help you clarify what’s going on and what you’ll need to do to get what you want. Together we strategize and create a plan.  I offer tools, new perspectives, and guidance; you take the steps. Throughout the process we reflect, consider options, and problem solve together.  

While we work together you can expect me to actively listen, ask thoughtful questions to promote exploration and analysis, support self-awareness, offer new perspectives, and provide accountability for the things you said you wanted to do. Sometimes I may be serious, sometimes I may laugh with you.

Please know from the beginning that if you want things to change, you will have to do new things.  Doing new things is generally very hard (even when the new thing is doing less!) I will help, but you will have to do the work.